Whitehorse unit
132 500

Training occurs every Monday night from 7:30pm until about 10pm. New recruits serve an initial three month probationary training period. At the completion of this period successful participants are assigned to teams and attend callouts under the close supervision of more experienced members.
All members train on Monday nights regardless of experience, in order to broaden their knowledge base, develop existing skills and keep up to date with the latest technology and methodology.
Accredited qualifications which may be gained from undertaking courses in first aid, occupational health and safety, chain saw operation, boating, and heavy vehicle driver training.
Other training opportunities include four wheel driving, bush navigation, rooftop safety, the correct operation, use and maintenance of pumps, chainsaws, generators, portable lighting, airborne search and rescue observation and much more.
Volunteers are required to attend Monday night training whenever possible and to make themselves available when their team is rostered on, approximately two 12 hour shifts a fortnight.
Members should also try to be available when emergencies arise that require greater resources than a single team can handle and for special courses and activities on weeknights and weekends.
Other crucial times include search and rescues during which it is critical that casualties be located as quickly as possible, and evidence searches when a scene must be lit or searched before being contaminated by weather and the general public.
There is a minimum 100 hours per year training requirement. However we understand that certain jobs do not accommodate leave and that during times in everybody's life there are busy periods, due to family needs etc.
Members are expected only to contribute what time they can and have the option of going 'Inactive' if they do not wish to leave the service but are unable to attend for an extended period.