Whitehorse unit
132 500

Our Unit has been actively supporting the Whitehorse community since 1984 in responding to requests for assistance, emergencies, and helping communities prepare through planning and education.
We are very proud to have 82 active members in our unit which makes us one of the largest SES units in Victoria.
All our members are volunteers:
We are aged between 26-77 years old
81% Male, 19% Female
We come from all walks of life, all types of professions, including students, workers, and retirees.
We have many members from multiple faiths and cultures
We have members that speak 17 different languages in total
The SES is the control agency for flood, storm, tsunami and earthquake in Victoria, managing responses to these emergencies and helping communities to prepare through planning and education. The Whitehorse Unit also assist the Victoria Police in search and rescue operations and play an important support role during major bushfire responses. Whitehorse Unit, on average, receives approximately 1200 requests for assistance each year.
The Whitehorse Unit primarily respond to emergency storm damage covering trees fallen on roads causing a traffic hazard as well as damage to people's properties or vehicles that are causing ongoing damage or threat of injury, such as roof damage allowing rain into residences. The second most frequent cause for callout, often involving large numbers of personnel is search and rescue. These may be urban or in the wilderness. The local Police or VicPol Search and Rescue coordinate these searches. We also respond to: flooding, both localised and large scale; structural damage to buildings; rescue of trapped victims; and earthquake damage.
We provide support and relief to other emergency services when their resources are stretched or our specialist assistance is required. Typical circumstance include assisting the CFA with bushfire support operations, providing crime-scenes lighting and assist with searches The Whitehorse Unit has boat rescue personnel and airborne search observers who work with other units when required.